HTC has finally launched its mid-range Desire 500 handset in India for a price of Rs. 20,499. The phone has been available in global markets for over a week now. The handset was listed for pre-order from sites like Snap Deal sometime since last week.
Given its price point, feature set and aesthetics, the phone will compete with the Sony Xperia C (Rs.20,450), a handset that was released in India only last week. So which one comes out on top? Gizbot has tested both devices to tell you just that.
Among the two, the Xperia C offer a much larger screen at 5-inches. Its a qHD display with a resolution of 960 x 540 pixels. The Desire 500 offers a smaller 4.3 inch WVGA display with a 480 x 800 pixel resolution. Among the two, the Xperia C offers more screen real estate, better pixel density and a more satisfying overall viewing experience.
Winner : Sony Xperia C
The HTC Desire 500 uses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 quad core processor, which is clocked at 1.2 GHz, along with 1 GB of RAM. Move to the Sony Xperia C and you'll notice that it has a 1.2 GHz quad core processor from Mediatek (1GB of RAM). Our tests show that it is inferior to the Snapdragon 200.
Winner : HTC Desire 500 Camera
Over the last year, Sony has been consistently offering better cameras than its competitors at a variety of price points. It sticks to that tradition with the Xperia C, arming it with a 8MP camera that pcaks a wonderful little Exmor R Sensor. Up front, there's a VGA camera. The phone clicks decent low-light picks and has a HDR mode as well. The HTC Desire 500 uses an 8MP camera with a BSI sensor, dedicated HTC Image chip, F2,0 aperture and 28mm wide lens. It has a 1.6MP camera up front.Even though the Xperia C has a slightly better rear camera, it will disappoint all those selfie lovers.
Winner : HTC Desire 500
The Xperia C packs a 2390 mAh Li ion battery, which according to the company offers up to 14 hours of talktime or 588 hours on standby. For a 5-inch device runnning a rather powerful processor, these claims are impressive. The Desire 500 uses a smaller 1800 mAh Li-Po battery. It offers 12.1 hours of talk time and 435 hours of stanby.
Winner : Sony Xperia C
Both handsets have a 4 GB internal storage slot. However, moving to internal storage, the Desire 500 offers a 64 GB expandable storage, which is better than the 32 GB slot on the Xperia C.
Winner : HTC Desire 500 Verdict
In the end it depends on what you're preferences are. If you're looking for a generous and rich display, great rear camera and better battery life, the Xperia C is a good pick. However, if you're more comfortable with a slightly smaller screen and want a better processor and a larger capacity microSD slot, then the HTC Desire 500 should be your choice.
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